Job Interview for International Applications

Some suggestions for job interview

Posted by freeCookie🍪 on December 19, 2016
  1. Your name: slow down.

    ICC hand out

  2. Goto Career Workshop for training.

  3. Think of job interview as a ritual -> eg: Perfume is not professional.

  4. Story telling-> Sell oneself.

  5. “Dress for success” -> Dressing for a job interview

  6. Shake hands practice. -> No verbal aspects.

  7. Connections.

  8. Weakness question: -> related to the work

    1). What is the weakness.

    2). How you are overcoming it.

    Strength: Story and conclusion.

  9. Personality test: some language to talk about oneself.

  10. Career goals: long term(10 years) and short terms(2-3 years).

  11. Why? Emotion, passion, enthusiasm.

  12. Thank you node: add some possible information.

  13. Follow up time: it depends and should be figured out.

  14. Self disclosure: related to jobs.

  15. Question asking: related to the job.

  16. Conclusion: show interests and posstive behaviors.

  17. Salary: don’t give a number.

  18. Small talk: social understanding.

    Not: religion, money, politics, age, marriage, appearance.

  19. Your last book/movie?