Using Database with Python Week3

Datebase design

Posted by freeCookie🍪 on December 21, 2016

Database Design

Building a Data Model:

Basic Rule: Don’t put the same string data in twice - use a relationship instead

Database Normalization:

Do not replicate data - reference data - point at data

Use integers for keys and for references

Add a special “key” column to each table which we will make references to. By convention, many programmers call this column “id”

Three kinds of Keys:

  • Primary key (主键) - generally an integer autoincrement field-> Never use your logical key as the primary key.

  • Logical key (逻辑键)- What the outside world uses for lookup
  • Foreign key (外键) - generally an integer key pointing to a row in another table -> when a table has column that contains a key which points to the primary key of another table.

Relationship Building:

less scan and less storage, remove the replicated data and replace it with reference -> linked by foreign keys

JOIN Operation:

links across several tables as part of a select operation

One Example:

select Album.title, from Album join Artist on Album.artist_id =

Without on: all possible combinations of rows.

Another Example:

select Track.title,, Album.title, from Track join Genre join Album join Artist on Track.genre_id = and Track.album_id = and Album.artist_id =

Select: what we want

From: tables with data

On: joint conditions

By normalizing the data and linking it with integer keys, the overall amount of data which the relational database must scan is far lower than if the data were simply flattened out

tradeoff - spend some time designing your database so it continues to be fast

Additional Topics

Indexes improve access performance for things like string fields

Constraints on data - (cannot be NULL, etc..)

Transactions - allow SQL operations to be grouped and done as a unit

umich slides

Assessments 还是很简单基本随便写写。。。