
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Week1

Basics and environment setup.

Posted by freeCookie🍪 on January 8, 2017

Basics knowledges and environment set-up

一时兴起想学学web development, 随便找来一门课来听听,大概是觉得以后可能不会选Web development这门课了吧…

Source code and examples and slides



Hyptertext Markup Language (超文本标记语言)

  • Annotates content.

Three technologies that drives the Web.

HTML -> Sructure.

CSS -> Style.

Javascript -> Behavior.

Anatomy(结构) of an HTML tag

  • Tag: <opening tag> content <closing tag>

<br>, <hr> only have open tags -> for HTML5 all tags should have open tags.

  • Attribute: name and value, value should be unique
<p id = "myID"></p>

id is Attribute name and “myId” is attribute value.

Attribute is specified only on opening tags.

  • Space

No space after ‘<’, must at least one space between tag and attribute, other spaces will be ignored.

  • Quotes

Using double and single quotes interchanably.

  • Self-closing tag

tag without any content


for HTML5, use👇, not 👆


Basic HTML document structure


<!doctype html> -> this is declaration, no space after <!
<html> -> html tag, contains the entire html document
  <head> -> describe main content of the page
    <meta charset = "utf - 8"> -> stand alone open tag, communicate information to he browser
    <titel>This is title!</titel> -> required!
  <body> -> all content visiable to user
    <p>This is body!</p>


With out declaration, the page will be in quirks mode.

Close the last opened tag before you close its parent tag.

Sequential (top to bottom) rendering.

HTML Content model

Traditional models:

Block-level elements Inline Elements
Render to begin on a new line(by default) Render on the same line(by default)
May contain inline or other block-level elements May only contain other inline elements
Roughly Flow Content (HTML5) Roughly Pharsing Content( HTML5)


<div></div>: most generic block-level element

<span></span>: super generic inline element.

<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>div and span elements</title>
  <div>*** DIV 1: Some content here ***</div>
  <div>*** DIV 2: Following right after div 1 ***</div>
  <span>*** SPAN 1: Following right after div 2 ***</span>
    *** DIV 3: Following right after span 1 
    <span>*** SPAN 2: INSIDE div 3 ***</span>
    Continue content of div 3 ***


*** DIV 1: Some content here ***

*** DIV 2: Following right after div 1 ***

*** SPAN 1: Following right after div 2 ***

*** DIV 3: Following right after span 1 *** SPAN 2: INSIDE div 3 ** Continue content of div 3 **


W3C Kinds of Conetent

Essential HTML5 tags

Semantic html element: all block - level

  • heading -> <h1></h1> ~ <h6></h6> heading tags, h1 is the most important.

  • header -> header information

  • section
  • article -> articles are always in section or other articles

  • aside -> some related information

  • footer -> footer information


<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Heading Elements</title>
    header element - Some header information goes here. Usually consists of company logo, some tag line, etc. Sometimes, navigation is contained in the header as well.
    <nav>nav (short for navigation) element - Usually contains links to different parts of the web site.</nav>
  <h1>Main Heading of the Page (hard not to have it)</h1>
    Section 1
    <article>Article 1</article>
    <article>Article 2</article>
    <article>Article 3</article>
    Section 2
    <article>Article 4</article>
    <article>Article 5</article>
    <article>Article 6</article>
    <div>Regular DIV element</div>
    ASIDE - Some information that relates to the main topic, i.e., related posts.

    JHU Copyright 2015


<ul> -> unorder list
  <li> -> only things allowed in ul tag</li>
<ol> -> order list
  <li> ->items in list </li>

Character entity(实体) references:

Always escape: 🙄打不出来

< : shuold be & lt;

> : should be & gt;

&: should be & amp;

”: & quit;

Not breaking space: & nbsp; -> used this instead of space between words that do not want to be broken

Creating Links:

<a herf = "relative URL" title = "same dir link"></a>

Notice: <a></a> is both flow and pharsing tag.

  • Internal linking to other pages in the site -> absolute URL links

        We can link to a file in the same directory as this HTML file like this:
        <a href="same-directory.html" title="same dir link">Linking to a file in the same directory</a>
        <a href="same-directory.html" title="same dir link">
          <div> DIV Linking to a file in the same directory</div>
  • External linking to other web sites -> URL

          Let's link to a Facebook Fan page I created for this course!
          <!-- link to Facebook page WITH TARGET-->
          <a href="http://www.facebook.com/CourseraWebDev" 
          target="_blank" title="Like Our Page!">Course Facebook Page</a>

Using target=”_blank”: open another new page, keep the old page

  • Linking to the sections of a document

          <!-- Link to every section in the page -->
          <li><a href="#section1">#section1</a></li>
          <li><a href="#section2">#section2</a></li>
          <li><a href="#section3">#section3</a></li>
          <li><a href="#section4">#section4</a></li>
          <li><a href="#section5">#section5</a></li>
          <li><a href="#section6">#section6</a></li>
    <section id="section1">
        <h3>(#section1) Section 1</h3>
        <p>Section 1 content</p>
        <h2><a name="section6">(#section6) Section 6</a></h2>
          Back to top: <a href="#top">Back to Top</a>

Displacing images:


<!— This is comment >

Image: inline elements

<img src="URL of image both absolute and website is all right" width="400" height = "235" alt="this used by screen readers help people with visual impairment">

Notice: always using width and height to save space for image.



CSS - Tricks



Can I Use

W3C -html