Cascading Style Sheets Basics
Anatomy of a CSS rule
Selector: {
Property1: value1; -> declaration
Property2: value2;
}. -> in Style sheet
Each browser has its own style -> override.
Elements, class and ID selectors
Element selector: style of all elements with that element’s name
/* all h2 elements */ h2 { color: red; text-align: center; }
Class selector: an attribute class = class’s name
Define with ‘.’, BTW class use without ‘.’
/* all with class="highlight" */ .highlight { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; background-color: green; opacity: .6; }
id selector: element with that id
Define with ‘#’
/* element with id="mainPoint" */ #mainPoint { font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; background-color: red; opacity: .7; }
One id only appear once so the css for id is not so reusable
Grouping selectors: grouping by ‘,’
/* all p AND h1 elements */ p, h1 { color: blue; text-align: center; }
Combining selectors
- Element with class selector: selector.class
/*no space between element and class*/
/* all p elements with class="big" */
front-size: 20px;
- Child selector: selector > selector
/* only direct child will be affect */
article > p {
color: blue;
- Descendant selector: selector selector
/* all descendant contains will be affect, as long as it is inside */
aritcle p {
color: blue;
- No limited to Element selector
/* every P that is inside at any level an element with class="colored" will be affect */
.color p{
color: blue;
/* every element with class="colored" that is direct child of article element will be affect */
article > .colored{
color: blue;
Peseudo-class selectors
:link 未访问
/* visited means after visit it can have different style */ a:link, a:visited { }
:visited 已访问
:hover 悬浮
a:hover, a:active { background-color: red; color: purple; }
:active 活动
:nth-child(…) 第几个link
section div:nth-child(odd):hover { background-color: green; cursor: pointer; }
Block elements fill the background of the all line and inline elements only cover the words.
Well, 还是觉得自己写代码比较有用…毕竟learn by practice
CSS Rules Conflict Resolution and TExt Styling
Style placement
Inline style: least resuable
Head styles <style></style> : often override external ones 👇
external style sheets -> always used
<link rel="stylesheet" herf="stylesheet.css">
Conflict resolution
Origin: last declaration wins: top to bottom, last external declaration
Merge: element gets both style
Inheritance: every child or grandchild inherit the parent style
Specificity: most specific selector combination wins
Specific Score: **style=””, ID, Class pseudo-class attribute, # of Elements** from left to right get less specific. -
!important no matter how specific score, use this style
Styling text:
font-family: /* 字体 */;
color: /*RGB*/ ;
font-style: italic; /*normal, 斜体*/
font-weight: bold; /*normal, 加粗*/
font-size: 24px;
/*120% - 1.2 of current*/
/*2em - twice relative to current style*/
/* .5em - half of current size */
text-transform: lowercase;
text-align: center;
Relative size: % and em
The Box Model and Layout
The box model
Margin: 👇
Cumulative from left to right(sum), but collapse from above to below(larger one).
Border: 👇
Padding: padding around ➡️ content
Box size = conent + padding + border
width is setting content box
box-sizing: border-box; -> set size of border box
Box sizing is not inherit.
Universal 👇
* { } /* apply to all elements */
- overflow: visiable; hidden; auto (a scroll ball); scroll;
The background property
#bg {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
/* sub-property will be override by background property*/
background-color: blue;
background: url('path.png') /* relative path to css file */
background-repeat: no-repeat top center;
/* same as */
background: url("path.png") no-repeat right center blue;
Position elements by floating
- clear: resume the regular document flow -> a newline
- clear: left; right; both; -> no cover
- percentage: flexible with page change
- floats don’t have vertical margin collpse
Relative and absolute element positioning
static positioning: normal document flow, default for all elements except for html.
relative positioning: relative to its position in normal document flow
Offset: top, bottom, left, right. (From…)
Origional position is preserved.
absolute positioning: all offset is relative to the nearest ancestor has a relative or absolute position, set to non-static value
Elements is taken out of normal document flow.
relative container elements moving, all within will move as well.
Introduction to responsive design
Media Queries
Basic media query syntax
@media(media feature)
@media(media feature) logical operator(media feature)
not to overlap breakpoints
usually base styling -> media query
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
.col-lg-1, .col-lg-2, .col-lg-3, .col-lg-4, .col-lg-5, .col-lg-6, .col-lg-7, .col-lg-8, .col-lg-9, .col-lg-10, .col-lg-11, .col-lg-12 {
float: left;
border: 1px solid green;
.col-lg-1 {
width: 8.33%;
.col-lg-12 {
width: 100%;
Responsive design
Denifination: site designed to adapt its layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids, flexible imgs and CSS3 media queries -> using %
Layout adapts to device.
Content verbosity or visual delivery may change.
12-column grid responsive layout -> usually used
1*12, 3*4, 2*6 -> easy to divide
Use % to achieve fluid width
Viewport meta tag to turn off default mobile zooming
<div class="row">
<!-- col-lg for large devices, col-md for medium ons, col-sm for small ones -->
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6"><p>Item 1</p></div>
Introduction to twitter bootstrap
- Bootstrap: most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- Mobile first == PLAN mobile from the start.
- CSS framework is mobile ready.
Bootscrap grid system basics
<!-- must be inside container or container-fluid -->
<div class="container">
<!-- Creates horizontal groups of colums, applies negative left/right margins so the colums content will align perfectly with the regular content which is still in the container -->
<div class="row">
<!-- column class template: col-SIZE-SPAN -->
<div class="col-md-4">Col 1</div>
<!-- md is a sizing identifier that stands for some break point, means when the columns will start collapsing one up to the other-->
col-SIZE-SPAN template:
Screen width range identifier.
Columns will collapse below that width(SIZE), unless another rule applies.
If no other rules applied, specifying col-xs0… we will keep that layout no matter what size of screen.
SPAN means how many columns element should span. (1-12)