
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Week5

Posted by freeCookie🍪 on January 23, 2017

DOM Manipulation

git repo for this class

Introduction to Ajax

HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol

Based on request/response stateless protocol

URN: Uniform Resouce Name

Uniquely identifies resource or name of resource

Do not tell us how to get the resources

URI: Uniform Resource Identifier

Uniquely identifies resource or location of resource

Do not neessarily tell us how to get the resource

URL: Uniform Resource Locator

Form of URI that provides info on how to get the resource

HTTP request structure: Method / URI String Query String HTTP version

HTTP Methods:

GET: Retrives the resource/ Data is passed to the server as part of URI

POST: Sends data to server in order to be processed/ Data is sent in the message body

HTTP Response Structure: HTTP version+ ‘/s’ + Response status code + ‘/s’ + Engish phrase describing status code

Ajax: Asynchronous Javascript And XML

Ajax Web App Flow: Faster response

Asynchronous Execution: Execution of more than one instruction at a time

Asynchronous instruction returns right away.

Processing JSON: JavaScript Object Notation

Lightweight data-interchange format textual representation of data

Syntax: Subset of JS object literal syntax but property names must be in double quotes, String values must be in double quotes, others just like objects.

Great format for passing data from server to client & back

JSON.parse to convert from JSON string to object

JSON.stringify to convert from object to JSON string