Distributed System III

15640 DS3 - Distributed File System

Posted by freeCookie🍪 on December 21, 2017

Distributed System III



  • Data sharing among multiple users
    • User mobility
  • Location transparency
  • Backups and centralized management


  • Heterogeneity (异质,不同的机器)
  • Scale (大量用户)
  • Security (…)
  • Failures
  • Concurrency


  • Caching
  • Consistency
  • Naming
    • Authentication and access control

    Classical DFSs: NFS, AFS

Assumption 没讲心情不好不想填 Client machine have disks, W/W and W/R sharing are rare (文件读写操作由相同用户在同一个机器上完成), Client machines are un-trusted
Design/Goals Stateless servers with smart clients. Portable access different OS. Low implementation cost. Small number of clients. Single administrative domain. Global distributed file system, LARGE numbers of clients and servers, minimize/eliminate work per client operation
Architecture Clients -Network-Servers. Use RPC to forward filesystem operation to server. Cells correspond to adminsitrative groups, and broken into volumes(miniature file systems), Client machine has cell-server database
Cacheing strategy write-through write-back
Client-Side caching Cache both clean and dirty file data and file attributes (30s + 60s). File attributes expire after 60s, data doesn’t expire. File data is checked against modified time. Dirty data buffered until file close or 30s.(in memory cache) Callbacks: clients register with server that they have copies. Reconstruct callbacks from client if server crashes. Revalidate crashed client content from server.
Advantages No network traffic can be done locally. Lower server load. Better scalability.
Disadvantages Data consistency guarantee poor. Sensitive to network latency. Slower.
File Access Consistency sometime within 30+60 seconds session semantics for consistency
Results NFS provides transparent, remote file access. Simple, portable, popular. Weak consistency semantics. Requires hefty server resources to scale. Lower server load than NFS(read-only case commonly). May slower (disk than memory).
Name space construction per-client linkage. Clients mount NFS where they want. global name space. name space consistent across clients.
Location transparency no transparency transparency
Both Central server is bottleneck. All W/R hit it at least once. A single point of failure. Costly to make fast and reliable servers.
User authentication All servers and all client workstations share the same name space. Server believes client workstation unconditionally. Client need to authenticated themselves.
  • Client-side caching is a fundamental technique toimprove scalability and performance
  • Timeouts and callbacks are common methods for providing (some forms of) consistency.


CAP tradeoff: 对于DFS,consistency, availability, partition-resilience不可能同时拥有。

Modern DFSs: Coda, LBFS, etc

这节modern DFSs不算是重点,主要介绍了可以离线工作的CODA和面向低带宽网络的LBFS。CODA的重点思想是利用了Optimistic replica control和file hoarding来支持离线工作,但牺牲了Consistency。LBFS,顾名思义,在带宽低于90%传统带宽情况下也可以工作。LBFS的中心思想是将data不重叠分块,然后hash(SHA-1)每个chunk,如果data发生了改变,hash也会发生改变。这里分块的方法是Rabin fingerprint而不是按大小分块,可以尽量减少数据变更后重新hash的数据数量。另外简单介绍了Dropbox和Google两家的文件系统,有个trick是hash了数据库内容所以用户上传文件时可以避免重复上传文件,提升用户体验。顺便说一嘴,Dropbox使用AFS设计模式。


DFS for working in different places and without network connectivity.


  • Puts scalability and availability beforedata consistency
  • Assumes that inconsistent updates are very infrequent => detect conflicts when reintegrating
  • Introduced disconnected operation mode byallowing cached data (weakly consistent), backedby a file hoarding database
  • Limitations: Detects only W/W conflicts, no R/W(lazy consistency), no client-client sharing possible



  • Under normal circumstances, LBFS consumes90% less bandwidth than traditional file systems.
  • Makes transparent remote file access a viable andless frustrating alternative to running interactiveprograms on remote machines.
  • Key Ideas: Content based chunks definition, rabinfingerprints to deal with insertions/deletions,hashes to determine content changes…


AFS/NFS OS chapter


LBFS paper