Distributed System V

15640 DS5 - Fault Tolerance

Posted by freeCookie🍪 on December 22, 2017

Distributed System V

“Hi everyone, welcome back to Distributed System \(//∇//)\ Today we will talk about Fault Tolerance in Distributed System…” Daniel常用开场白。

这一篇主要关于分布式系统下的容错,介绍了比如Checkpoint,Logging & Recovery,Replication等和RAID。这一部分在DS中要求重点掌握PAXOS。可惜没有PAXOS这个prj, RAFT也还行吧唔。

Logging and Recovery

这一部分Daniel讲了, 分布式系统下的容错机制。在出现部分错误的情况下,系统应该是可靠的。如何定义可靠呢?emmm, 颜即正义,呸 (Availability, Reliability, Safely, Maintainability)

Dependability Concepts

Availability 可用性: the system is ready to be used immediately

Reliability 可靠性: the system runs continuously without failure

Availiability 和 Reliability 也是tradeoff. 比如一个低MTTF的系统,就会有低可用性,因为它具有高可靠性。

Safety 安全性: if a system fails, nothing catastrophic will happen

Maintainability (Recovery) 可维护性: when a system fails, it can be repaired easily and quickly

Failure Models



Information Redundancy: add extra bits to allow for error detection/recovery

Time Redundancy: perform operation and, if needs be, perform it again.

Physical Redundancy: add extra (duplicate) hardware and/or software to the system


Backward recovery: return the system to some previous correct state (using checkpoints), then continue executing (Common one)

  • Checkpointing can be very expensive (especially when errors are very rare)

Forward recovery: bring the system into a correct new state, from which it can then continue to execute

  • Harder to know howdo to bring the system forward to a correct state.

    如果failure发生,系统可以通过Checkpoint恢复到一个较早的状态。在多线程背景下Checkpoint出现多线程Transaction,这个Checkpoint就是inconsistent的。所以出现了Coordinated Checkpointing这个概念。

Coordinated Checkpointing

Key idea: each process takes a checkpoint after a globallycoordinated action

Simple Solution: 2-phase blocking protocol

Optimization: consider only processes that depend on therecovery of the coordinator

Successful Coord Unsuccessful Coord

Logging and Recovery

Goal: make transaction reliable.

General idea: store enough information to disk to determine global state

Challenges: disk performance is poor, writing to disk to handle arbitrary crash is hard -> Shadow pages and Write-ahead Logging (WAL), providing Atomicity and Durability

Shadow Paging Vs WAL
  WAL Shadow Page
ACID A, D A, D. page = unit of storage
Idea create log recording every update to db When write a page, make a shadow copy
ABORT recover by replaying log discard shadow page
COMMIT LOG typically store both REDO and UNDO make shadow page real
Other Update versions kept in memory “copy-on-write” to avoid in-place page update
  • WAL is more common, fewer disk operations, transactions considered committed once log written.


ARIES: Algorithms for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics


  • Write-ahead logging
  • Repeating history during Redo
  • Logging changes during Undo

Write-Ahead Logging

  • Pages on disk, some also in memory (page cache)
    • “Dirty pages”: page in memory differs from one on disk
  • Reconstruct global consistent state using
    • Log files + disk contents + (page cache)

一条LOG包含很多信息: LSN: [prevLSN, TID, “update”, pageID, new value, ol value]

LSN: Log-Sequence Number, in order

TID, prevLSN: PrevLSN forms a backward chain of operations for each TID

TT: Transaction Table, all TXNS not written to disk

DPT: Dirty Page Table, all dirty pages in memory

Recovery using WAL

Analysis Pass

  • Reconstruct TT and DPT (from start or last checkpoint)
  • Get copies of all pages at the start

Recovery Pass (redo pass)

  • Replay log forward, make updates to all dirty pages
  • Bring everything to a state at the time of the crash

Undo Pass

  • Replay log file backward, revert any changes made by transactions that had not committed (use PrevLSN)
  • For each write Compensation Log Record (CLR)
  • Once reach entry without PrevLSNdone



在Redo过程中,当前的状态已经被更改为出现错误时的状态。Undo过程将当前没有Commit的Transaction恢复。可以看作是Backward recovery的过程。在TT中利用LastLSN,对于每个record恢复改动并且同时增加新的log文件。


Distributed Replication


Goal: Stay up during failures



Strict Consistency

  • Read always returns value from latest write

Sequential Consistency

  • All nodes see operations in some sequential order
  • Operations of each process appear in-order in this sequence
Sequential Consistency Violate Sequential Consistency

Causal Consistency

  • All nodes see causally related writes in same order
  • But concurrent writes may be seen in different order on different machines
Causal Consistency Violate Causal Consistency

Eventual Consistency

  • All nodes will learn eventually about all writes, in the absence of update

Replication Strategies

  • Propagate only a notification of an update
  • Transfer data from one copy to another
  • Propagate the update operation to other copies

When to replicate

Pull based: Replicas/Clients poll for updates (caches)

Push based: Server pushes updates (stateful)

Primary-backup replication model


  • Group membership manager
  • Fail-stop(not Byzantine) failure model
  • Failure detector

Primary-Backup Write Protocol

Remote Local
  • Advantages: With N servers, can tolerate loss of N-1 copies
  • Must wait for failure detector

Quorum Based Consensus


  • Designed to have fast response time even under failures
  • Operate as long as majority of machines is still alive
  • To handle f failures, must have 2f + 1 replicas
  • For replicated-write => write to all replica’s not just one


  • Proposers:
    • Active: put forth particular values to be chosen
    • Handle client requests
  • Acceptors:
    • Passive: respond to messages from proposers
    • Responses represent votes that form consensus
    • Store chosen value, state of the decision process

Single Decree Paxos

  • Phase 1: Prepare message
    • Find out about any chosen values
    • Block older proposals that have not yet completed
  • Phase 2: Accept message
    • Ask acceptors to accept a specific value
  • (Phase 3): Proposer decides
    • If majority again: chosen value, commit.
    • If no majority: delay and restart Paxos

Paxos是非常重要的一个Protocal, 在工业界也有很广泛的应用。除了Single-Paxos, 还有Multi-Paxos但是没有重点介绍。

总之这一节主要介绍了Primary-backup和Quorum consensus两种拷贝的方式。其中Paxos是重点,在后半期DS的学习中也会有所应用。

Primary-backup Quorum consensus
Replicas are “passive”, follow primary Replicas are “active”, participate in protocol, no master
Simple. N machines, can handle N-1 failures Complex. To handle f failures, need 2f+1 replicas
Slow responses times in case of failures Clients don’t see the failures

Errors and RAID


Type of Errors

Hard errors: Component is dead

Soft errors: A signal or bit is wrong, but doesn’t mean component is faulty

Meausuring Availability

**Availability = MTBF/(MTBF + MTTR) **

MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure

MTTR: Mean Time To Repair

MTTF: Mean Time To Failure


Error Detection


Parity Checking


Block Error Detection


EDC: Error Detection Code



Cyclic Redundancy Check

循环冗余检查,对于d比特的数据D,选择r+1比特的G,计算r比特的CRC添加到D后,得到数据<D, R>。<D, R>可以被G整除。发送<D, R>, 如果接收端无法整除G, 证明出现了错误。其中G是事先由发送和接收方达成一致的。可以检测出小于r+1比特的错误。

举个例子, D = 101110, G = 1001, r = 3. R = reminder[(D«<3)/G] = 011. 发送<D, R> = 101110011.

Error Recovery


Error Correcting Codes


Replication & Voting




Fault Tolerance Design


背景:Use multiple disks

  • Capacity
    • More disks allows us to store more data
  • Performance
    • Access multiple disks in parallel
    • Each disk can be working on independent read or write
    • Overlap seek and rotational positioning time for all
  • Reliability
    • Recover from disk (or single sector) failures
    • Will need to store multiple copies of data to recover

Disk Striping 硬盘分割: Interleave data across multiple disks

  • Large file streaming can enjoy parallel transfers
  • Small requests benefit from load balancing



Just a bunch of disks. 就是一大堆硬盘?名字不错…


为了数据的安全,需要必要的冗余来进行备份和检测/修复错误。比较常见的数据冗余包括:replication 拷贝/ erasure-correcting codes 错误移除代码/ error-detecting codes 错误检测代码。对于拷贝,写操作写入所有的拷贝,读操作从任意一个读取。

Parity Disk


Capacity: one extra disk save per stripe Erasures: disk failures aer self-identifying

对于奇偶校验码和拷贝的存在,数据的无错误读操作可以并行读取,写操作要更新奇偶校验码。可以忍受一个错误。由于需要多次读/写奇偶校验码的硬盘,load balanced不存在的,会成为bottleneck。解决方式就是将奇偶校验码平均的分布到每一个硬盘上。

Striping Parity


主要介绍RAID0, 1, 4, 5.

RAID0: Striping RAID1: Mirroring RAID4: Parity RAID5: Rotated Prity
Performance*4, Capacity*4, Reliability*1/4, Survive*0 Performance:R*2 W<1, Capacity*2, Survive*1 4 I/Os per Write, Performance: R*3 W<1, Capacity*3, Survive*1 4 I/Os per Write, Performance: R*3 W<1, Capacity*3, Survive*1
Performance and capacity really matter but reliability doesn’t Reliability and write performance matter, but capacity doesn’t The same as RAID5, why not using RAID5 When capacity and cost matter or workload is read-mostly


Availability/Reliability Metrics

可靠性/可用性相关计算,计算MTTDL(Mean Time To First Data Loss),本节的计算都是估算。

MTTF = mean time between failures (for each disk)

MTTDL = mean time to first disk failure (for each system)


Reliability without rebuild

Strip情况,系统的MTTDL = 硬盘MTTF/ 硬盘总数。

Mirror情况,系统MTTDL = 1.5*硬盘MTTF。


  • 200 data drives with MTTF drive: MTTDLarray = MTTFdrive / 200
  • Add 200 drives and do mirroring
    • MTTFpair = (MTTFdrive / 2) + MTTFdrive = 1.5 * MTTFdrive
    • MTTDLarray = MTTFpair / 200 = MTTFdrive / 133
  • Add 50 drives, each with parity across 4 data disks
    • MTTFset = (MTTFdrive / 5) + (MTTFdrive / 4) = 0.45 * MTTFdrive
    • MTTDLarray = MTTFset / 50 = MTTFdrive / 111

Reliability with rebuild


  • MTTDLarray = MTTFfirstdrive * (1 / prob of 2nd failure before repair)
    • prob is MTTRdrive / MTTFseconddrive
  • Mirroring: MTTDLpair = (MTTFdrive / 2) * (MTTFdrive / MTTRdrive)
  • 5-disk parity-protected arrays: MTTDLset = (MTTFdrive / 5) * ((MTTFdrive / 4 )/ MTTRdrive)





Paxos Made Simple


忍不住每一篇都表白Daniel但是一想到又不能跟他工作简直(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 到这里为止期中考试之前的部分就结束了。如果足够厉害DS能A的话就可以申请和Daniel实验室打工了吧 这届DS不到92+不可能A 不愧是CMU 技不如人甘拜下风再见Daniel