Parallel Architecture & Programing V

15618 PP5 Performance Evaluation

Posted by freeCookie🍪 on January 25, 2019

Parallel Architecture & Programing 伍

工作使我自闭,丧丧丧。 甚至不知道到底是data烂,还是我烂。算了,就算我的吧,随便了。今天听说我研究生时期鼓励过我的学长回国了,可惜了了还没当面感谢呢~大家纷纷回国过年,快乐都是别人的我啥都没有🐶

Size for scaling

  • There can be complex interactions between the size of the problem and the size of the parallel computer
    • Can impact load balance, overhead, arithmetic intensity, locality of data access
    • Effects can be dramatic and application dependent
  • Can be desirable to scale problem size as machine sizes grow


  • Too small a problem
    • Parallelism overheads dominate parallelism benefits
    • Problem size may be appropriate for small machines, but inappropriate for large ones
  • Too large a problem
    • Key working set may not “fit” in small machine
    • When problem working set “fits” in a large machine but not small one, super-linear speedups can occur

Common Scaling Terminology

  • Strong scaling
    • Runtime of X on P processors, vs. of X on 1 processor
    • Goal = P
  • Weak scaling
    • Runtime of (P*X) on P processors, vs. of X on 1 processor
    • Goal = 1.0

Scaling constraints

Application-oriented scaling properties

  • Particles per processor
  • Transactions per processor

Resource-oriented scaling properties

  • Problem constrained scaling
    • Use a parallel computer to solve the same problem faster
    • Speedup =
  • Time constrained scaling
    • Completing more work in a fixed amount of time
    • Execution time kept fixed as the machine (and problem) scales
    • Speedup =
  • Memory constrained scaling
    • Run the largest problem possible without overflowing main memory
    • Memory per processor is held fixed
    • Neither work nor execution time are held constant
    • Speedup = =

还是那个2D grid solver的例子:

想起来考前复习算了好久这些,每个都算了orz 所以这个故事告诉我不论学的多差只要不放弃自己还是能过的(打A是不能打A了,PP我能打A,🐷都能上🌲

Challenges of scaling

  • Preserve ratio of time spent in different program phases
  • Preserve important behavioral characteristics
  • Preserve contention and communication patterns
  • Preserve scaling relationships between problem parameters
