Parallel Architecture & Programing VII

15618 PP7 Interconnerection Networks

Posted by freeCookie🍪 on January 31, 2019

Parallel Architecture & Programing 柒

真是令人自闭的一天呀, 晚上继续复习PP玩耍。快要过年了,希望新的一年能够成为成为更好的自己吧。或许我该勇敢一些,反正也没什么好失去的不是吗。游戏机卖不出去了

Interconnect Network

Interconnection Network 互联网络

  • Used for connecting:
    • Processor cores with other cores/memories/caches
    • Caches and caches
    • I/O devices
  • Importance:
    • For system scalability
    • For system performance and energy efficiency


  • Network node: A network endpoint connected to a router/switch

  • Network interface: Connects nodes to the network

  • Switch/router: Connects a fixed number of input links to a fixed number of output links
  • Link: A bundle of wires carrying a signal
  • Topology 拓扑结构: How switches are connected via links
  • Routing 路由: How a message gets from its source to its destination in the network
  • Buffering and flow control

Properties of interconnect topology

  • Routing distance: Number of links (“hops”) along a route between two nodes
  • Diameter: the maximum routing distance

  • Average distance: average routing distance over all valid routes

  • Direct 直接 vs. Indirect 间接 networks
    • Direct network: endpoints sit “inside” the network

  • Bisection bandwidth:Cut network in half, sum bandwidth of all severed links

  • Blocking 阻塞 vs. Non-blocking 非阻塞

    • If connecting any pairing of nodes is possible, network is non-blocking (otherwise, it’s blocking)


Interconnect topologies

Bus interconnect

  • Good:
    • Simple design, easy to implement coherence (via snooping)
    • Cost effective for a small number of nodes
  • Bad:
    • Contention: all nodes contend for shared bus
    • Limited bandwidth: all nodes communicate over same wires(1 per time)
    • High electrical load = low frequency, high power

Crossbar interconnect

  • Every node is connected to every other node (non-blocking, indirect)
  • Good: O(1) latency and high bandwidth
  • Bad:
    • Not scalable: O(N2) switches
    • High cost
    • Difficult to arbitrate at scale


  • Good:
    • Simple
    • Cheap: O(N) cost
  • Bad:

    • High latency: O(N)

    • Bisection bandwidth remains constant as nodes are added (scalability issue)


  • Direct network
  • O(N) cost, average latency: O(sqrt(N))
  • Path diversity: many ways for message to travel from one node to another


  • O(N) cost, but higher cost than 2D grid
  • Higher path diversity and bisection BW than mesh
  • Higher complexity
  • Characteristics of mesh topology are different based on whether node is near edge or middle of network



  • Planar, hierarchical topology
  • Like mesh/torus, good when traffic has locality
  • Latency: O(lg N)
  • Use “fat trees”(higher bandwidth links near root) to alleviate root bandwidth problem
    • O(N) bisection bandwidth
    • Routing: like tree routing, but randomly choose when multiple links possible

Multi-stage logarithmic Routing

  • Indirect network with multiple switches between terminals
  • Cost O(N lg N), latency O(lg N)

Buffering and flow control

我想不通我当时是怎么看不明白这课件的?失去智力吗_(:з」∠)_ 真是脑子是好的希望我也有?

Circuit switching 电路交换 vs. packet switching 封包交换
  • Circuit switching sets up a full path between sender and receiver prior to sending a message
    • Establish route (reserve links) then send all data for message
    • Higher bandwidth transmission (no per-packet link mgmt overhead)
    • Does incur overhead to set up/tear down path
    • Reserving links can result in low utilization
  • Packet switching makes routing decisions per packet
    • Route each packet individually (possibly over different network links)
    • Opportunity to use link for a packet whenever link is idle
    • Overhead due to dynamic switching logic during transmission
    • No setup/tear down overhead
Granularity of communication
  • Message
    • Unit of transfer between network clients
    • Can be transmitted using many packets
  • Packet
    • Unit of transfer for network
    • Can be transmitted using multiple flits
    • Format:
      • Header: Contains routing and control information
      • Payload/body: containing the data to be sent
      • Tail: Contains control information
  • Flit (flow control digit)
    • Packets broken into smaller units called “flits”
    • Flit: (“flow control digit”) a unit of flow control in the network
    • Flits become minimum granularity of routing/buffering
Flow control


Circuit-switched routing

  • High-granularity resource allocation
    • Pre-allocate all resources (links across multiple switches) along entire network path for a message
  • Cost
    • Needs setup phase (“probe”) to set up the path
    • Lower link utilization. Transmission of two messages cannot share same link
  • Benefits
    • No contention during transmission due to preallocation, so no need for buffering
    • Arbitrary message sizes

Store-and-forward (packet-based routing)

  • Packet copied entirely into network switch before moving to next node
  • Flow control unit is an entire packet
  • Requires buffering for entire packet in each router
  • High per-packet latency (latency = packet transmission time on link * network distance)

Cut-through flow control (also packet-based)

  • Switch starts forwarding data on next link as soon as packet header is received
  • Result: reduced transmission latency
  • If output link is blocked (cannot transmit head), transmission of tail can continue
    • Worst case: entire message is absorbed into a buffer in a switch
    • Requires switches to have buffering for entire packet, just like store-and-forward

Wormhole flow control

  • Flit: Packets broken into smaller units called “flits”

  • Routing information only in head flit
  • Body flits follows head, tail flit flows body
  • If head flit blocks, rest of packet stops
  • Completely pipelined transmission
    • For long messages, latency is almost entirely independent of network distance (pipeline)

Virtual channel flow control

  • Multiplex multiple operations over single physical channel
  • Divide switch’s input buffer into multiple buffers sharing a single physical channel
  • Reduces head-of-line blocking
  • Other uses:
    • Deadlock avoidance
    • Prioritization of traffic classes
