

遇到一个Java/Python/C++/C 类问题_(:з」∠)_

xia xue xi

Java/Python/C++/C 一通乱学 今天面试没考编程题,考了Java/C/C++ 有什么区别, Python/Java有什么区别,如果我遇到了10%奇怪的数据怎么搞。啊好气,它们肯定是有区别的,可我一时竟然不知道怎么回答。(难怪有时候人家觉得转专业的除了刷题什么都不会,怎么能这么讲...

Using Database with Python Week4/5

Many-to-Many Relationships in SQL & Visualization

Many-to-Many Relationships in SQL & Visualization Week4讲多对多的关系,一般而言再建一个含有两个foreign keys的table作为连接两个表的联系,通常没有primary key。 Week5讲可视化,感觉还是learn ...

Leetcode - Array Sum Problems

LC1, LC15, LC18, LC16, LC259, LC454

Leetcode - Array Sum Problems 无论面试成什么样我都可以期待一个奇迹…啊心好累啊QAQ 不论怎样还是强行po,顺便怒刷10+easy和medium题…果然还是hard题有意思。心好累。 LC1. Two Sum Given an array of integ...

Leetcode - Union Find

LC305, LC261, LC323

Leetcode - Union Find Union Find 是我自学的第一个算法,总觉得很有感情啊。我还记得是跟着普林斯顿的公开课学的呢:D 总是忘记…每次遇到久恰似故人来:D  PPT 这PPT画风好像不太一样了 Algorithm and DataStructure Note ...

Leetcode - Divide and Conquer Medium

LC53, LC240, LC241, LC215

Leetcode D&C Medium Problems 最近见到几个D&C的题,一时兴起,把LC的分治法的题整理一下。希望能对分治法的理解深刻一些。觉得Blog有点丑,忍了。 LC53. Maximum Subarray Find the contiguous sub...

Leetcode - Divide and Conquer Hard

LC4, LC23, LC218, LC282, LC312, LC315, LC327

Leetcode - Divide and Conquer Hard LC4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays here are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find...

LC128. Longest Consecutive Sequence

Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of the longest consecutive elements sequence.

LC128. Longest Consecutive Sequence Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of the longest consecutive elements sequence. For exampl...

LC - LRU/LFU Cache

LC146, LC460

LC146. LRU Cache Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and se...